


  1. nominative plural of Blatt
  2. genitive plural of Blatt
  3. accusative plural of Blatt

♂️ Masculin
Prononcé comme (IPA)


  1. leaf (green and flat organ of a plant)
  2. petal (one of the parts of the whorl of a flower)
  3. sheet, piece of paper (piece of paper (usually rectangular) that has not been cut, torn, or folded)
  4. sheet, piece of paper (piece of paper (usually rectangular) that has not been cut, torn, or folded)
  5. hand, cards (set of cards held by a player)
  6. (colloquial) paper, newspaper (publication containing news and other articles)
  7. (colloquial) magazine (a printed and published informative periodical)
  8. blade (flat functional end of an oar, rudder, propeller, etc.)
  9. blade (sharp cutting edge of a saw or other tool)
  10. thin plate; foil (very thin sheet of metal)


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Gemeinsame   Merkmale   der   Vertreter   dieser   Familie
  sind   längliche   oder   runde unterschlächtige , ganzrandige  Blätter .

Les caractéristiques communes des représentants de cette famille sont des feuilles allongées ou rondes, en retrait et à pleine.
