


third-person plural imperfect subjunctive of levar


  1. to take (to move something to a destination)
  2. to take (to move something to a destination)
  3. to take (to move something to a destination)
  4. to take (to move something to a destination)
  5. to take (to move something to a destination)
  6. to take (to remove something from its rightful place or owner)
  7. to take (to remove something from its rightful place or owner)
  8. to take (to remove something from its rightful place or owner)
  9. to take (to remove something from its rightful place or owner)
  10. to take (to be the object of an interaction, especially a violent one)
  11. (informal) to take (to be the object of an interaction, especially a violent one)
  12. to take (to require a given amount of time)
  13. to contain; to take (to have as an ingredient)
  14. to take (to have capacity for)
  15. to carry (to have in one’s immediate possession)
  16. to lead to (to have as its destination)
  17. to lead to (to produce or tend to produce a given result)
  18. to let oneself be overwhelmed by an emotion or force


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