


third-person plural present of mieć

Separado como
Pronunciado como (IPA)

  1. to have
  2. to be some age
  3. used as a semantically weak verb with some nouns
  4. (colloquial) to have, to have sex with
  5. to consider someone as something [+ za (accusative)]
  6. to have (e.g. to have something (that is) cooked)
  7. creates a future in the past; would, was going to
  8. to be supposed to must, to have to, to need to
  9. to feel something
  10. to fare (to be in any state, or pass through any experience, good or bad)
  11. to consider oneself
  12. (obsolete) to head somewhere [+ ku (dative)] or [+ w (accusative)]
  13. to behave
  14. to appear, to bode
  15. to be in relation to something [+ do (genitive) = to what]
  16. to address, to turn towards
  17. to function
  18. to be had


  1. to flower (to decorate something with flowers, twigs)
  2. to get covered with flowers or greenery


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Obaj   ładni   i
  mają   takie   czerwone   usta jakby   ciągle   się   całowali .

Ambos bonitos y tienen labios tan rojos, como si todavía se estuvieran besando.

Nie   mają   zdolności  organizacyjnych  i
  dlatego   nie   potrafią   organizować   rzezi .

No tienen habilidades organizacionales y, por lo tanto, no pueden organizar la matanza.

Dziewczęta   mają   wargi   zimne   i
  mokre   i
  oczy  wyblakłe,  jak   na   starych   fotografiach .

Las chicas tienen labios fríos y húmedos y ojos desvaídos, como en fotografías viejas.
