


  1. deep (extending far down from the top, or surface, to the bottom)
  2. deep (extending far from the edge)
  3. deep (having a large recess; voluminous)
  4. deep; late (of events, distant in time in the past; of times, late)
  5. deep (intense, i.e. of sleep)
  6. deep; heavy (being the result of serious events or processes)
  7. deep (low in pitch)
  8. deep (highly saturated; rich; darker)
  9. deep (complex, profound)
  10. deep (hard to penetrate or comprehend; profound; intricate; obscure)
  11. deep (inner, underlying, true; relating to one’s inner or private being rather than what is visible on the surface)
  12. dangerous; threatening (potentially causing harm or danger, especially for one's salvation)
  13. confidential; honest
  14. hidden; dishonest

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