


plural of raider


  1. One who engages in a raid; a plunderer.
  2. A person who takes or attempts to take control of a firm against the will of current management by purchasing a controlling interest of stock and acquiring proxies.
  3. A special forces operative; a commando.
  4. A warship which is light, maneuverable, and fast-moving.
  5. A warplane on an air raid.
  6. A law enforcement official who conducts a raid on a building in search for illicit goods.
  7. (informal) A person who uncovers evidence of improper behavior within governmental or private organizations.


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Generally   adapted   from   passenger liners they   were   larger   than   the   German
  merchant   raiders .

Generalmente adaptados de los revestimientos de pasajeros, eran más grandes que los Raiders comerciales alemanes.
