Palabras y frases
- third-person masculine singular nominative personal pronoun; he; it
- third-person masculine singular prepositional pronoun; him; it
- (Brazil) third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used in all positions; he; him; it
- inflection of viver:
- inflection of viver:
- inflection of vivar:
- inflection of vivar:
um pouco
- slightly; a little; a bit (to a small extent or degree)
- Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see um, pouco.
além de
- beyond (at a further position than)
- beyond (with a greater scope than)
- beyond (outside the influence, reach or extent of)
- besides (in addition to)
- besides (other than; except for)
London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- there, over there
- beyond (farther along or away)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of (introduces the noun that applies a given adjective or past participle)
- from (born in or coming out of)
- by means of; by
- as (in the role of)
- in (wearing)
- little of something
- a short while