Palabras y frases
- word (sequence of sounds or letters within a language carrying meaning)
- word (short oral or written statement)
- text; lyric (words of a scientific, literary, or musical work)
- word (promise, oath, guarantee)
- word (fixed-size group of bits handled as a unit by a machine and which can be stored in or retrieved from a typical register so that it has the same size as such a register)
- verb (word that indicates an action, event, or state of being)
- (obsolete) say (chance to speak; the right or power to speak)
- lyrics (words of a text, especially a song)
first-person singular present of dawać
- at least (at the least; at a minimum or lower limit)
- even; say
- especially, particularly
- at least (anyway)
- well (in a correct or proper manner)
- well (in a positive manner)
- well (in a manner that one might expect something positive)
- well (in a kind, compassionate, or fair manner)
- well (in an approving manner)
- well (such that the suggested course of action would be the wisest)
- well (not sick)
- abundantly; profusely
- well; Further details are uncertain.
Combined form of że + -m
- genitive singular stressed of ty
- accusative singular stressed of ty
third-person singular masculine past of spotkać