The world
Palabras y frases
- what
- which (referring to the entire preceding clause)
- that, which (referring to das, alles, etwas, nichts, and neuter substantival adjectives)
- (colloquial) that, which (referring to neuter singular nouns, instead of standard das)
- (colloquial) something, anything (instead of standard etwas)
- why (with emphasis, astonishment or disapproval)
third-person singular present of sein
- [with dative] on, upon (positioned at the top of)
- [with accusative] on, onto, up (moving to the top of)
- [with accusative] on (indicating responsibility)
- [with dative] in, at; used with certain nouns instead of bei or in
- [with accusative] to; used with certain nouns instead of zu or in
- in (see usage note below)
- in (of a word: ending with some sound or syllable)
- on (a day; usually of the week)
- [with accusative] for (during the continuation of)
- [with accusative] to, for (indicating purpose, goal or wish)
- [with accusative] by (used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something)
- inflection of national:
- inflection of national:
- inflection of national:
- plain
- plane
- storey, floor
- to, towards (indicates directionality)
- with respect to; regarding
- along with; with (accompanying (the main thing in question))
- at, on (indicates location)
- at (indicates time)
- by, in, on, at (indicates mode (of transportation, speech, etc.))
- for; (with a noun) as, by way of (for the purpose of)
- for (in honor of, or directed towards the celebration or event of)
- into (indicates transition into another form or substance)
- as, for, to be (to take on the role of)
- to (used to indicate ratios)
- at (denotes a price or rate)
- To do (to perform or execute an action).
- [with dative] To do something (positive or negative) to someone.
- To make a difference; to be different.
- (informal) To fake; to feign; to pretend.
- (colloquial) To put, to place, to add.
- (colloquial) To work, to function.
- (colloquial) Used with the preceding infinitive of another verb to emphasise this verb
- (colloquial) Used with the following infinitive of another verb, often to emphasise the statement
- (colloquial) Used in the past subjunctive with the infinitive of another verb to form the conditional tense (instead of standard würde)