


  1. to obtain, to acquire, to gain (to get after much striving)
  2. to obtain, to acquire, to gain (to ensure someone as an ally after much striving)
  3. to gain, to acquire, to gain; to capture, to take, to win (to conquer and gain control of in fight)
  4. to conquer (with great effort to reach a place that is difficult to reach)
  5. to take away (to deprive someone of something by force)
  6. to score (to gain points in game or something similar)
  7. (obsolete) to stock up (to create a stockpile of something)
  8. to summon up, to muster (to accomplish something after much striving) [+ na (accusative) = what]
  9. to summon up, to muster (to gain something after much striving)
  10. (obsolete) to be gained

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" Tłumy  mieszczan wysłuchały  go lecz   nikt   jakoś   nie  kwapił  się ażeby   zdobyć   nagrodę ."

"Las multitudes de burgueses lo escucharon, pero nadie estaba ansioso por ganar el premio".
