


  1. to spend (to pay out money) [+ na (accusative) = on what]
  2. to give change (to refund a customer money overpaid during a transaction) [+instrumental = with what] [+ z (genitive) = from what]
  3. to issue (to give someone something that they should receive in a given situation related to a certain type of behavior or action, i.e. a passport) [+dative = to whom]
  4. to give away (to give information on punishable actions someone has done to people who can punish said actions)
  5. to bear, to produce (to create fruit or something similar)
  6. to make (to create a sound)
  7. to give off (to create a particular smell)
  8. to publish (to issue (something, such as printed work) for distribution and/or sale)
  9. to issue, to hand out (to decide on something due to rank or function, which then becomes officially binding or valid, e.g. an order)
  10. to throw, to hold (to organize or ensure the happening of a particular event)
  11. to give away (to formally hand over a bride to the bridegroom) [+ za (accusative) = to whom]
  12. to distinguish oneself (to be distinguished by the origin or initial action of some later known person or group of persons)
  13. to hand out (to pass and announce something)
  14. (obsolete) to give of oneself
  15. (obsolete) to utter
  16. (obsolete) to emphasize (to bring special attention to)
  17. (obsolete) to stand out, to stick out
  18. (obsolete) to hand, to pass
  19. (obsolete) to cast (to throw a net into water)
  20. to betray
  21. to seem, to appear (to create some impression) [+instrumental = as what/whom], [+dative = to what/whom], [+infinitive = to do what]
  22. to appear; to be revealed
  23. to give oneself away (to unintentionally reveal a secret, divulge undisclosed information, or expose oneself)
  24. to give oneself away (to give information about oneself on punishable actions one has done to people who can punish said actions)
  25. to put oneself at risk [+ na (accusative) = at what risk]
  26. (colloquial) to marry, to wed [+ za (accusative) = whom]
  27. to self-publish
  28. (obsolete) to be published
  29. (obsolete) to be issueed
  30. (obsolete) to happen, to occur
  31. (obsolete) to leave

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" Kapitan   zaczął   wydawać   rozkazy  szeptem."

"El capitán comenzó a dar órdenes en un susurro".
