


  1. To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible.
  2. To come before the public.
  3. To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, etc.; to present oneself as a party or advocate before a court, or as a person to be tried.
  4. To become visible to the apprehension of the mind; to be known as a subject of observation or comprehension, or as a thing proved; to be obvious or manifest.
  5. To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look.
  6. To bring into view.

Pronunciado como (IPA)


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The   pods   are   usually   rectangular but   sometimes   appear   flat .

Las vainas suelen ser rectangulares, pero a veces parecen planas.

The same   four   demons   appear   in   the  "Semiphoras  and  Schemhamforas".

Los mismos cuatro demonios aparecen en las "Semiforas y Schemhamforas".
