Storage Sustantivo pools Sustantivo allow for the Determinante grouping Sustantivo of Adposición disks Sustantivo within Adposición a Determinante file system .
Los grupos de almacenamiento permiten la agrupación de discos dentro de un sistema de archivos. Los grupos de almacenamiento permiten la agrupación de discos dentro de un sistema de archivos .
Palabras y frases
- The act of storing goods; the state of being stored.
- An object or place in which something is stored.
- Any computer device, including such as a disk, on which data is stored for a longer term than main memory.
- The price charged for storing goods.
plural of pool
allow for
- To take into account when making plans.
- To make possible.
present participle and gerund of group
- Expressing distance or motion.
- (obsolete) Expressing distance or motion.
- Since, from (a given time, earlier state etc.).
- From, away from (a position, number, distance etc.).
- Expressing separation.
- Expressing separation.
- (obsolete) Expressing separation.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing agency.
- Expressing agency.
- Expressing agency.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Introducing subject matter.
- Introducing subject matter.
- Introducing subject matter.
- Having partitive effect.
- Having partitive effect.
- Having partitive effect.
- Having partitive effect.
- Expressing possession.
- Expressing possession.
- Expressing possession.
- Forming the "objective genitive".
- Forming the "objective genitive".
- Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- (informal) Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- Expressing a point in time.
- Expressing a point in time.
- Expressing a point in time.
- Expressing a point in time.
- (informal) Expressing a point in time.
plural of disk
The first letter of the English alphabet, written in the Latin script.
file system
- A physical system for organizing documents, as in a library or office.
- A method of organizing blocks of data on a storage device into files and directories.
- A set of blocks that are organized in this way.