
Εννοια (Αγγλικός)


Προφέρεται ως (IPA)

  1. (masculine) surroundings (area surrounding something)
  2. (masculine) end (final point of something in space or time)
  3. (masculine) term (duration of a set length)
  4. (masculine) condition; state
  5. (masculine) term (limitation, restriction or regulation)
  6. (masculine) term; word (especially one from a specialised area)
  7. (masculine) a word with a function in a sentence
  8. (masculine) term (value in an expression)
  9. (masculine) each element of a statement


  1. (transitive) to have
  2. (intransitive) to have
  3. (transitive) to have
  4. (transitive) to have
  5. (transitive) to have
  6. (transitive) to have
  7. (transitive) to have
  8. (transitive) to have
  9. (transitive) to have
  10. (Brazil,intransitive) to have
  11. (auxiliary) must; to have to
  12. (auxiliary,imperfect,indicative) to have
  13. (auxiliary,indicative,present) to have
  14. (auxiliary,conditional) to have
  15. (Brazil,impersonal,transitive) there be (to exist, physically or abstractly)
  16. (transitive) to give birth to
  17. (transitive) to consider (assign some quality to)
  18. (intransitive) to go to; to interact

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Η τελική ισορροπία ήταν σχεδόν τριακόσια κανονικοποιημένοι όροι.

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  atual .

Σε γενικές γραμμές, ο προτεινόμενος κανονισμός είναι λιγότερο περιοριστικός από τον τρέχοντα.

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Να ασκήσει την εξουσία παραβίασης κυρώσεων σύμφωνα με τους όρους που προβλέπονται στην τρέχουσα νομοθεσία.
