


third-person singular preterite indicative of passar

Προφέρεται ως (IPA)

  1. to pass; to pass by (to move past)
  2. to pass; to pass by (to move past)
  3. to pass; to pass by (to move past)
  4. to pass; to pass by (to move past)
  5. to pass; to pass by (to move past)
  6. to pass; to pass by (to move past)
  7. to pass; to pass by (to move past)
  8. to pass (to move something over to)
  9. to pass (to move something over to)
  10. to pass (to be over)
  11. to pass (to be over)
  12. to begin to; to start to; usually referring to something habitual
  13. to spend (to stay somewhere during a given time)
  14. to spend (to do something during a given time)
  15. to take place; to happen; to occur
  16. to pass (to advance through the stages necessary to become valid or effective)
  17. to pass (to advance through the stages necessary to become valid or effective)
  18. to pass (to advance through the stages necessary to become valid or effective)
  19. to pass (to advance through the stages necessary to become valid or effective)
  20. to pass (to advance through the stages necessary to become valid or effective)
  21. to iron (to unwrinkle clothing using an iron)
  22. to spread; to apply (to rub evenly on a surface)
  23. to go through; to undergo; to experience
  24. to be in a given situation of health
  25. to pass; to spread (to put in circulation)
  26. to impersonate (to pretend to be something in order to deceive)
  27. to pass (to decline to play on one’s turn)
  28. (informal) (takes a reflexive pronoun) to freak out, to go crazy


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  soltou  Rói-Rói  e   passou   a
  se   divertir .

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