


  1. wall (each of the substantial structures acting either as the exterior of or divisions within a structure)
  2. wall (vertical field acting as a boundary of some object)
  3. wall; face (very steep, almost vertical mountain slope)
  4. wall; face (any of the flat bounding surfaces of a polyhedron)
  5. wall (divisive or containing structure in an organ or cavity)
  6. wall (exposed surface of the mineral deposit where it is being mined)
  7. wall (large, compact mass of something that looks like a vertical plane and makes passage difficult)
  8. wall (that which isolates and separates people socially)
  9. wall (personal notice board listing messages of interest to a particular user)
  10. (obsolete) border (division between nations)
  11. side (left or right part of something; particular face of something)

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