


first-person singular masculine past of dostać

Με παύλα ως
♂️ Αρρενωπός
Προφέρεται ως (IPA)

  1. to get (to begin to own or be able to use a particular item as a result of it being transferred from the person to whom it previously belonged) [+ od (genitive) = from whom]
  2. to get (to be in a situation where something a person wanted has become available to them as a result of someone else's decision and they can use it according to their needs)
  3. to get (to become the recipient of someone else's action)
  4. to get (to be named in a specific way so that a given name is now assigned to a given object)
  5. to get (to buy or rent something for a certain amount of money) [+ za (amount) = for how much]
  6. to get (to contract, to develop, to catch; to start to experience something bothersome and unpleasant) [+genitive]
  7. to get (to begin to be characterized by some trait) [+genitive]
  8. to get (to receive treatment or medicine from a doctor)
  9. to get (to be the recipient of something negative or harmful, i.e. a punishment or fee) [+ za (accusative) = for what]
  10. to get (to be the recipient of i.e. teaching, care, etc.) [+accusative = what person is performing the teaching, care, etc.]
  11. (colloquial) to get (to detain someone that has done something wrong)
  12. (colloquial) to get hit (to be the recipient of hits or blows) [+instrumental = by what], [+ w (accusative)] or [+ po (locative) = where, what part of the body], [+ od (genitive) = by whom]
  13. to reach out (to extend a body part towards something) [+instrumental = with what part of the body] [+ do (genitive) = to what]
  14. to get out (to cause something to go out of something from the inside)
  15. to last, to suffice, to be enough
  16. to get (to become)
  17. to get (to produce, to gain)
  18. to get; Further details are uncertain.
  19. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:
  20. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:
  21. to get; to get in (to arrive, to start being at a destination)
  22. to get; to get in (to obtain some status or the ability to use some services)
  23. to be gotten (to be obtained; especially if unexpected and beneficial) [+dative = (by) whom]


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