


first-person singular present of czuć

Με παύλα ως
Προφέρεται ως (IPA)

  1. to feel, to sense (to perceive with one's senses)
  2. to feel, to sense (to perceive with one's senses)
  3. (obsolete) to feel, to sense (to perceive with one's senses)
  4. to feel (to experience or have a particular emotion) [+ do (genitive) = for/towards whom]
  5. to feel (to suspect or realize that something is happening)
  6. to feel (to suspect or realize that something will happen)
  7. (obsolete) to stay up (to not sleep)
  8. to be alert or attentive; to try, to strive; to take care of, to look after; to guard, to defend
  9. to feel; Further details are uncertain.
  10. to feel (to experience an emotion or other mental state)
  11. to feel like (to consider oneself as having traits particular to some group, personality, etc.) [+instrumental = like who]
  12. (obsolete) to be conscious
  13. to feel (to suspect or realize that something will happen)
  14. to realize (to become aware of)
  15. to be on guard; to think carefully; to look after; to try, to take care of


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Εξασκηθείτε στην ομιλία και στην απομνημόνευση " czuję "και πολλές άλλες λέξεις και προτάσεις στο Πολωνικά .

Μεταβείτε στη σελίδα μαθήματος Πολωνικά
I tak   nic   nie   czuję .

Δεν αισθάνομαι τίποτα ούτως ή άλλως.

  czuję   ja   chłód
  wiem   na pewno   już że   to jest   twoja   mama .

Και αισθάνομαι κρύος και ξέρω σίγουρα ότι αυτή είναι η μητέρα σου.

" Z
 oczekiwania  zaledwie   czuję   grunt   pod   sobą ."

"Από την προσδοκία μόλις αισθάνομαι το έδαφος κάτω από μένα."
