


past participle of penser

Προφέρεται ως (IPA)


  1. to think, reflect, concentrate one's mind on something
  2. to think, imagine, believe
  3. to be of the opinion that, believe
  4. to be absorbed by a worry or depressing thoughts
  5. to conceive a project
  6. to evoke the image or remembrance of someone in one's mind
  7. to attach one's thinking to someone, especially lovingly
  8. to believe being or doing something
  9. to think well or badly, to have a high or low opinion of someone
  10. to try or prepare to do something
  11. (obsolete) to reflect on something
  12. to bear, keep something in mind, to consider something
  13. to intend to do, aim at doing something
  14. to have something in one's mind (c. 1220 in Barlaam et Josaphat, ed. C. Appel, 5623)
  15. to intend to do, aim to do something
  16. (obsolete) to intend to do something bad
  17. to take care of
  18. to have opinions in accordance with the agreed principles
  19. to have a certain intellectual tendency, preference or property


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