


  1. to go up, to climb (go to a higher position)
  2. to ascend, go higher, go uphill, go upstairs
  3. to get on, get in (a vehicle)
  4. to rise (get to a higher figurative position (socially, or in a league/division etc.))
  5. to stage, put on (a show)
  6. to ride (a horse)
  7. to mount (a horse)
  8. to bring up, take up, put up, get up (lift or carry something to a higher position)
  9. to turn up, put up (increase the volume etc.)
  10. to raise (increase the level, price etc.)
  11. to put up (a tent)
  12. to assemble (put together)
  13. to string (an instrument)
  14. to edit

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