


  1. inflection of mover: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative
  2. inflection of mover: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative


  1. to move (to cause to change place or posture)
  2. to shake (e.g. to shake one's head, to shake one's tail feather)
  3. to wiggle (e.g. one's ears, fingers, nose, toes)
  4. to wag (e.g., an animal's tail wagging)
  5. to move to, to cause to
  6. to swing (e.g. a sword, a bat, a tennis racket, one's tail)
  7. to move (to change place or posture)
  8. to shift
  9. to move around, to get around, to drift (i.e. make one's way about a place, to navigate or travel)
  10. to budge, to stir, to twitch, to fidget, to move (in an agitated manner)
  11. to get a move on (idiom)
  12. to be moved (by a performance, etc.)


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Una   imagen   genial que   creo   mueve   e
  inspira   a
  millones   de   personas .

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