
Εννοια (Αγγλικός)

  1. (form-of,indicative,plural,preterite,third-person) third-person plural preterite indicative of ir
  2. (form-of,indicative,plural,preterite,third-person) third-person plural preterite indicative of ser


Με παύλα ως
Προφέρεται ως (IPA)


  1. (intransitive) to go (away from speaker and listener)
  2. (intransitive) to be suitable or apt for its purpose, to match or suit well (of clothing)
  3. (intransitive) to head towards or lead to a place away from the speaker
  4. (intransitive) to extend in time or space, from one point to another
  5. (intransitive) to play
  6. (intransitive) to approach or consider (something) from a specific angle, or to direct attention towards a particular goal
  7. (intransitive) denotes an ongoing action with a sense of progression or movement through space or time; to go on, to carry on
  8. (intransitive) an action or process is beginning to occur or unfold; to grow (dark), get (cloudy)
  9. (colloquial,intransitive) used ironically with certain adjectives or passive participles
  10. (auxiliary) used with the past participle of transitive verbs to indicate undergoing the action of the verb
  11. (auxiliary) used with the past participle of reflexive verbs to indicate being in a state caused by the verb
  12. (auxiliary) to be going to; used to convey the near future tense
  13. (intransitive) to be staked or bet in a dispute or competition (only used in the third-person singular present indicative form van to entice someone to engage in a bet)
  14. (intransitive) used with a hortative value to encourage or urge action; let's
  15. (imperfective,intransitive) to habitually happen on a specific day or occasion; to habitually go
  16. (intransitive) used to describe the manner in which someone behaves or acts under specific conditions
  17. (intransitive) indicates an inclination towards a particular profession or career path, especially one that is perceived in other people based on their current skills or personality
  18. (intransitive) indicates the pursuit of a particular career or vocation
  19. (intransitive) to go fetch
  20. (intransitive) indicates adherence to a specific linguistic pattern or rules, like conjugation
  21. (intransitive) to come (towards or with the listener)
  22. (reflexive) to go away, to leave, to depart, to go (when the destination is not essential; when something or someone is going somewhere else)
  23. (reflexive) to leak out (with liquids and gasses), to boil away, to go flat (gas in drinks)
  24. (reflexive) to overflow
  25. (reflexive) to go out (lights)
  26. (reflexive) to finish, to wear out, to disappear (e.g. money, paint, pains, mechanical parts)
  27. (reflexive) to die
  28. (informal,reflexive) to break wind, to fart
  29. (informal,reflexive) to wet/soil oneself (i.e., urinate or defecate in one's pants)
  30. (reflexive,vulgar) to come, to cum, to ejaculate, to orgasm


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El   hidroaviones   fueron   regresado   a
  Alemania .

Οι υδροφές επιστράφηκαν στη Γερμανία.

Estos   objetos   fueron   encontrados   en   un
  lavadero   de la   granja .

Αυτά τα αντικείμενα βρέθηκαν σε πλυντήριο αγροκτήματος.

Estas   nuevas   viviendas   fueron   el   hogar
  para   clases   modestas   y
  de   clase media .

Αυτά τα νέα σπίτια ήταν στο σπίτι για μέτρια και μεσαία τάξη μαθήματα.

Sus   restos   fueron   descubiertos   en   la   región   de  Perm  en   Rusia .

Τα ερείπια του ανακαλύφθηκαν στην περιοχή Perm στη Ρωσία.

Sus   bienes   fueron   confiscados   y
  se   le   quitó   la   nacionalidad   griega .

Τα περιουσιακά του στοιχεία κατασχέθηκαν και αφαιρέθηκε η ελληνική εθνικότητα.

Las   letras   de   estas   canciones   fueron   escritas   principalmente   por  Tim Jensen  y
 Yōko Kanno.

Οι στίχοι αυτών των τραγουδιών γράφτηκαν κυρίως από τον Tim Jensen και τον Yōko Kanno.

Los   ingenieros   de   sonido
  que   participaron   fueron  Glyn Johns  y
 Eddie Kramer.

Οι μηχανικοί ήχου που συμμετείχαν ήταν ο Glyn Johns και ο Eddie Kramer.
