
Εννοια (Αγγλικός)


Με παύλα ως
Προφέρεται ως (IPA)
Ετυμολογία (Αγγλικός)

Inherited from Latin curtus, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *(s)ker-. Cognate with English curt. The coffee was named by don José Prado Crespo, the founder of Café Central in Malaga. Tired of the difficulty of understanding the orders of customers, he created a plaque on the tiled wall listing 10 types of coffee by their coffee and milk content.


  1. to cut
  2. to cut off, cut out, cut through, cut down, cut up, to nip
  3. to chop, chop up, chop off
  4. to slice, to slit
  5. to mow
  6. to slash, to hack
  7. to carve, to engrave
  8. to hang up, to terminate a telephone call
  9. (Chile,informal) to stop an action
  10. (Chile) to shut off
  11. to finish a relationship
  12. (reflexive) to haircut
  13. to cut, to cut off, to slit (oneself or a part of the body)

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