


  1. Uncultivated and unsettled land in its natural state inhabited by wild animals and with vegetation growing wild; (countable) a tract of such land; a waste or wild.
  2. A place other than land (for example, the air or sea) that is uncared for, and therefore devoted to disorder or wildness.
  3. An ornamental part of a garden or park cultivated with trees and often a maze to evoke a natural wilderness.
  4. (obsolete) Unrefinedness; wildness.
  5. Chiefly followed by of: a bewildering flock or throng; a large, often jumbled, collection of things.
  6. A place or situation that is bewildering and in which one may get lost.
  7. Preceded by in the: a situation of disfavour or lack of recognition; (specifically, politics) of a politician, political party, etc.: a situation of being out of office.

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The   mountain
  is   in   the   John   Muir   Wilderness   Area   in   the  Inyo  National   Forest .

Το βουνό βρίσκεται στην περιοχή John Muir Wilderness στο Εθνικό Δάσος του Inyo.
