


  1. One that plays
  2. One that plays
  3. One that plays
  4. One that plays
  5. One that plays
  6. One that plays
  7. One that plays
  8. One that plays
  9. One who is playful; one without serious aims; an idler; a trifler.
  10. A participant; one involved in something.
  11. A participant; one involved in something.
  12. (informal) A person who plays the field rather than having a long-term sexual relationship.

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His   hip   struck   the   knee   of   the   next   player .

Το ισχίο του χτύπησε το γόνατο του επόμενου παίκτη.

Mohammed   is   a
  wonderful   guitar
  player .

Ο Mohammed είναι ένας θαυμάσιος κιθαρίστας.

Similar   to  "SimTown",  it
  is   targeted   more   towards   children   than   the   average   player .

Παρόμοια με το "Simtown", στοχεύει περισσότερο προς τα παιδιά από τον μέσο παίκτη.

  is   the   brother
  of   Bristol   Rovers   player   Dominic   Thomas   who   retired   through   injury .

Είναι ο αδελφός του παίκτη του Bristol Rovers Dominic Thomas που αποσύρθηκε από τραυματισμό.
