
Εννοια (Αγγλικός)

  1. To establish the identity of someone or something.
  2. To disclose the identity of someone.
  3. To establish the taxonomic classification of an organism.
  4. To equate or make the same; to unite or combine into one.
  5. To have a strong affinity with; to feel oneself to be modelled on or connected to.
  6. To associate oneself with some group; to feel, or believe one feels, the same way.
  7. To claim an identity; to describe oneself as a member of a group; to assert the use of a particular term to describe oneself.


Με παύλα ως
Προφέρεται ως (IPA)
Ετυμολογία (Αγγλικός)

From French identifier, from Medieval Latin identicus + Latin faciō.

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By   observing   these   subjects Johnson   helped   Masters   identify   the   four   stages   of   sexual
  response .

Παρατηρώντας αυτά τα θέματα, ο Johnson βοήθησε τους Δασκάλους να εντοπίσουν τα τέσσερα στάδια της σεξουαλικής αντίδρασης.
