

  1. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.
  2. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.
  3. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.
  4. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.
  5. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.
  6. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.
  7. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.
  8. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.
  9. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.
  10. The relationship of being homologous; a homologous relationship.


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Εξασκηθείτε στην ομιλία και στην απομνημόνευση " homology "και πολλές άλλες λέξεις και προτάσεις στο Αγγλικά .

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Cohomology   arises   from   the   algebraic   dualization   of   the   construction
  of   homology .

Η Cohomology προκύπτει από την αλγεβρική διεύρυνση της κατασκευής της ομολογίας.
