


  1. One who drives something, in any sense of the verb drive.
  2. Something that drives something, in any sense of the verb drive.
  3. A person who drives a motorized vehicle such as a car or a bus.
  4. A person who drives some other vehicle.
  5. (slang) A pilot (person who flies aircraft).
  6. A device driver; a program that acts as an interface between an application and hardware, written specifically for the device it controls.
  7. A golf club used to drive the ball a great distance.
  8. a kind of sail, smaller than a fore and aft spanker on a square-rigged ship, a driver is tied to the same spars.
  9. A factor contributing to something; a cause.
  10. A mallet.
  11. A tamping iron.
  12. A cooper's hammer for driving on barrel hoops.
  13. A screwdriver.
  14. A device that converts an electrical signal to sound waves; the principal component of loudspeakers and headphones.
  15. A driving wheel.

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The   two   collided putting   the  Benetton  driver   out .

Οι δύο συγκρούστηκαν, βάζοντας τον οδηγό Benetton έξω.
