


  1. The tendency to attract.
  2. The feeling of being attracted.
  3. An event, location, or business that has a tendency to draw interest from visitors, and in many cases, local residents.
  4. The sacrifice of pieces in order to expose the enemy king.
  5. An error in language production that incorrectly extends a feature from one word in a sentence to another, e.g. when a verb agrees with a noun other than its subject.

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Εξασκηθείτε στην ομιλία και στην απομνημόνευση " attraction "και πολλές άλλες λέξεις και προτάσεις στο Αγγλικά .

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Close by   is   Rode   Hall the   gardens   of   which   are   a
  tourist   attraction .

Κλείσιμο είναι το Rode Hall, οι κήποι των οποίων είναι τουριστικό αξιοθέατο.
