


  1. The act of associating.
  2. The state of being associated; a connection to or an affiliation with something.
  3. Any relationship between two measured quantities that renders them statistically dependent (but not necessarily causal or a correlation).
  4. A group of persons associated for a common purpose; an organization; society.
  5. Relationship between classes of objects that allows one object instance to cause another to perform an action on its behalf.
  6. A benevolent overseas Chinese organization of popular origin for overseas Chinese individuals with the same surname or trade or business.

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Εξασκηθείτε στην ομιλία και στην απομνημόνευση " association "και πολλές άλλες λέξεις και προτάσεις στο Αγγλικά .

Μεταβείτε στη σελίδα μαθήματος Αγγλικά
The   other   major   Go   association   in   Japan
  is   Kansai  Ki-in.

Η άλλη μεγάλη ένωση Go στην Ιαπωνία είναι το Kansai Ki-in.
