

  1. The act of associating.
  2. The state of being associated; a connection to or an affiliation with something.
  3. Any relationship between two measured quantities that renders them statistically dependent (but not necessarily causal or a correlation).
  4. A group of persons associated for a common purpose; an organization; society.
  5. Relationship between classes of objects that allows one object instance to cause another to perform an action on its behalf.
  6. A benevolent overseas Chinese organization of popular origin for overseas Chinese individuals with the same surname or trade or business.


Προφέρεται ως (IPA)

From Latin associātiō, from associō (perhaps via French association). Morphologically associate + -ion The Philippine sense is a calque of Spanish gremio.

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The   other   major   Go   association   in   Japan
  is   Kansai  Ki-in.

Η άλλη μεγάλη ένωση Go στην Ιαπωνία είναι το Kansai Ki-in.
