


  1. A large, highly organized military force, concerned mainly with ground (rather than air or naval) operations.
  2. A large, highly organized military force, concerned mainly with ground (rather than air or naval) operations.
  3. A large, highly organized military force, concerned mainly with ground (rather than air or naval) operations.
  4. The governmental agency in charge of a state's army.
  5. A large group of people working toward the same purpose.
  6. A large group of social animals working toward the same purpose.
  7. Any multitude.
  8. The military as a whole.

Προφέρεται ως (IPA)


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  later   investigation   by   the   Rwandan
  government   blamed   Hutu   extremists   in   the   Rwandan
  army .

Μια μεταγενέστερη έρευνα από την κυβέρνηση της Ρουάντα κατηγόρησε τους εξτρεμιστές του Hutu στον στρατό της Ρουάντα.
