

  1. Together: the root word is done co-incidently.
  2. Together: the root word is done co-incidently.
  3. Together: the root word is done co-incidently.
  4. Together: the root word is done co-incidently.
  5. Together: the root word is done co-incidently.
  6. Together: the root word is done co-incidently.
  7. Together: the root word is done co-incidently.
  8. Together: the root word is done co-incidently.
  9. Having commonality, similarity with respect to the root.
  10. Having commonality, similarity with respect to the root.
  11. Having commonality, similarity with respect to the root.
  12. Having commonality, similarity with respect to the root.
  13. Having commonality, similarity with respect to the root.
  14. Having commonality, similarity with respect to the root.
  15. Dual or complement.
  16. Having multiple targets or effects; the root affects or involves multiple subjects.
  17. Secondary or auxiliary in rank or priority.
  18. Referring to coenzymes.
  19. Referring to copolymers.
  20. Deriving from multiple sources.

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