Norfolk County


  1. One of 14 counties in Massachusetts, United States. County seat: Dedham. There are two exclaves of the county, Cohasset and Brookline.
  2. A former county in Virginia, United States, the remainder of which was abolished in 1963 on the creation of the independent city of Chesapeake.
  3. A municipality of Ontario, Canada.

Με παύλα ως
Προφέρεται ως (IPA)
/ˈnɑɹ.fək ˈkaʊn.ti/


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One   of   the   council   members   were   worried
  about   Norfolk County   becoming  " industrialized and  " unnatural .

Ένα από τα μέλη του συμβουλίου ανησυχούσε για το νομό Norfolk να γίνει "βιομηχανοποιημένος" και "αφύσικος.
