



  1. to give up, relinquish, let go, concede, hand over, etc. (power, money, valuable objects, etc.)
  2. to give away, give out (samples, promotional goods, bags, etc., also items for charity)
  3. (transitive, with bei (to)) to hand in, to turn in, to drop off, to deliver, to return (something to its owner or a responsible party)
  4. (transitive, with bei (to)) to turn in (schoolwork, an application, anything that requires evaluation.)
  5. to sell (cheaply or at a reduced price)
  6. to deposit (for storage or similar purpose, something in a designated storage area or receptacle)
  7. to lose (value or according to some numerical measure, especially gains made in the recent past)
  8. to give (a part of), to share (with)
  9. to give up (a point, round, goal, etc. to an opponent)
  10. to emit, to give off, to release, to radiate, etc.
  11. to pass on (a responsibility or duty)
  12. to bother oneself with somebody/something, to associate with somebody/something, to mess around with somebody.
  13. to pass (a ball)
  14. to make (constitute, develop into, prove to be)
  15. to submit (a report)
  16. to give (an opinion, statement, explanation),
  17. to fire (a shot)
  18. to cast (a vote)
  19. to provide (plot, background, exposition, etc. in a work of fiction)


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