



  1. to hold; to take hold of; to grip; to grab
  2. to catch, hunt
  3. to rent, hire, take on, employ
  4. to hold back; to restrain
  5. to look after, watch over
  6. to take up, cover, envelop, fill
  7. to back, support, approve of, like
  8. to keep (one's promise, one's word)
  9. to accord with, be consistent with, jibe with, agree with
  10. to do, make sth. (in a certain way)
  11. (for someone's curse) to be realized, come true, come to pass
  12. (for something) to total, come to a total of, come to, amount to, add up to
  13. (for an amount of time) to pass
  14. to stick, adhere


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