


  1. point, a specific spot, location, or place
  2. point, a unit of scoring
  3. point, a topic of discussion
  4. point, a particular moment
  5. point, a unit used to express stocks, shares, interest rates, etc.
  6. point, a zero-dimensional object or location
  7. point, any dot or small spot
  8. point, a dot or tittle of a character
  9. point, a full stop or period
  10. stitch, a single pass of a needle in sewing or surgery suture
  11. timecard, a register of when employees arrive and leave
  12. time clock, a machine used to log when employees arrive and leave
  13. point, a specific value in a scale
  14. medium rare, done an amount of cooking between rare and well done
  15. (Brazil) bus stop, taxi stand, a location where passengers wait for a bus or taxi
  16. Portuguese point, a small unit of length, about equal to 0.2 mm
  17. point, a unit of measurement for a TV audience
  18. an assistant who helps actors with forgotten lines

Mit Bindestrich als
♂️ Männlich
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)


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Chegou   no ponto   em   que   estamos não
  podemos   mais   escolher .

Es hat den Punkt erreicht, an dem wir uns befinden, wir können uns nicht mehr entscheiden.

Para   melhor   compreensão   física vamos   primeiro   recapitular   onde   está   o
  ponto   de   giro .

Für ein besseres physisches Verständnis, lassen Sie uns zunächst einen Überblick über den Spinnpunkt zusammenfassen.

Nesse   ponto os  presságios  lhe   dirão   que   seu   tesouro   está   enterrado   para sempre .

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt werden Ihnen die Omen sagen, dass Ihr Schatz für immer begraben ist.
