


third-person singular future of wskazać

Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. to point, to indicate, to show (to show with one's finger or gesture) [+dative = to whom], [+instrumental = with what], [+accusative = whom/what] or [+ na (accusative) = at whom/what]
  2. to point, to indicate, to show (to communicate to someone in order to choose a particular thing amongst other things) [+dative = to whom], [+accusative = whom/what] or [+ na (accusative) = at whom/what]
  3. to point, to indicate, to show (to be the base on which someone draws a conclusion) [+ na (accusative) = at what]
  4. to point, to indicate, to show (of i.e. measuring devices, to present a direction or value)
  5. to point, to indicate, to show (to draw someone's attention towards something)
  6. (obsolete) to issue a recommendation or order; to pronounce
  7. (obsolete) to deem, to judge (to isse one's judgement on someone)
  8. (obsolete) to cede, to transfer
  9. (obsolete) to be visible, to be seen


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