


second-person singular imperative of położyć

Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. to put, to lay (to place something somewhere)
  2. to lay (to cause a person to take a horizontal position)
  3. to put (to place someone somewhere for a longer period, particularly so that they may heal)
  4. to put to bed (to help someone go to sleep)
  5. to lay (to create fundamentals upon which other elements rest)
  6. to lay (to cover a surface with something)
  7. to put (to place hand-written text or a stamp on something)
  8. to mess up (to perform poorly)
  9. to lay down (to put oneself in a horizontal position)
  10. to be put (to place oneself somewhere for a longer period, particularly so that they may heal)
  11. to lay down (to go to bed)
  12. to lean (to rest diagonally either entirely or completely)
  13. to rest (to cover oneself in a lower position)


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