


  1. sure, certain (sure in one's mind, positive; absolutely confident in the truth of something) [+genitive = of what]
  2. sure, certain (sure to happen, inevitable; assured)
  3. sure, certain; trustworthy (such that there is no doubt as to one's honesty, reliability, or dependability)
  4. sure, certain (evidencing someone's certainty)
  5. sure, certain; safe (not in danger and without worries)
  6. certain, sure; solid, hard, stable; tough
  7. certain, sure; indisputable; unambiguous
  8. valid, in force
  9. right, proper; efficient; in good condition
  10. significant (having a noticeable or major effect)
  11. certain; Further details are uncertain.
  12. The meaning of this term is uncertain.

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