


  1. genitive singular of służba
  2. nominative plural of służba
  3. accusative plural of służba
  4. vocative plural of służba

Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. service (work for a community or to achieve a specific goal, which someone performs with dedication and a sense of mission) [+dative = to whom/what]
  2. service (work as a member of the military)
  3. service (state of being subordinate to or employed by an individual or group)
  4. service (people in such a state or employed as such)
  5. service (department in a company, organization, or institution)
  6. service (duties performed during specific working hours in some institutions)
  7. (obsolete) service (act of waiting on someone)
  8. (obsolete) service, table setting
  9. (obsolete) sideboard (piece of furtniture for such a setting)


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" Krótki   korytarz o
  brudnej , zakurzonej  podłodze prowadził   do   kuchni   i
 pokojów  dla   służby ."

"Ein kurzer Korridor mit einem schmutzigen, staubigen Boden führte in die Küche und die Zimmer zum Service."
