


first-person plural virile past of spotkać

Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. to meet (to come to the same place as someone)
  2. to meet (to become acquainted with someone or something)
  3. to meet (to confirm the existence of someone or something)
  4. to meet (to experience; to happen to someone)
  5. (obsolete) to greet with [+ z (instrumental) = with what]
  6. to meet up, to meet each other (to come to the same place) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  7. to meet (to play a match) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  8. to meet (to make contact in physical space or in time) [+ z (instrumental) = with what]
  9. to meet (to experience) [+ z (instrumental) = with what]
  10. (obsolete) to meet (to have a battle or fight)


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