


third-person singular feminine past of siedzieć

Mit Bindestrich als
♀️ Feminin
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. to sit (to be positioned on one's buttocks)
  2. to sit (to have one's weight on the buttocks or on one's hind legs)
  3. to sit (to stop flight somewhere)
  4. to sit (to be strongly fastened somewhere; to be positioned)
  5. (colloquial) to hang out (to spend some time somewhere)
  6. (colloquial) to serve time, to be in for (to serve a prison sentence)
  7. (colloquial) to be engaged in something [+ nad (instrumental) = in what]
  8. (colloquial) to distrain (to seize somebody's property in place of, or to force, payment of a debt) [+dative = whose property] [+ na (locative) = what property]
  9. to reside (to take residence somewhere permanently)
  10. (colloquial) to work (to have some position somewhere)
  11. (colloquial) to sit on (to have in one's possession) [+ na (locative) = what]


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  nade   wszystko   zgrabnie   siedziała   na   koniu .

Großartig und vor allem saß sie ordentlich auf einem Pferd.
