


third-person plural nonvirile past of mówić

Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. to say, to tell (to vocalize using words) [+ do (genitive)] or [+dative = to whom], [+ o (locative) = about what]
  2. to call, to name (to speak using a particular name) [+ do (genitive)] or [+dative = whom], [+nominative = by what name]
  3. to say, to tell (to indicate how someone should proceed or act) [+dative = whom]
  4. to say, to tell (to be an indicator or sign of something else)
  5. to say; to go, to tell about (to contain or communicate specific information on a topic) [+dative = to whom], [+ o (locative) = about what]
  6. to say, to tell (to communicate by non-verbal means)


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Wytyczne  mówiły że   raz
 ogłoszone  pogotowie  bojowe  nie   powinno   być   odwołane .

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