


  1. to shower, to sprinkle (to cover some surface with a loose substance) [+instrumental = with what]
  2. to cover (to appear in large quanities)
  3. to shed; to lose; to drop (to lose certain parts due to them falling off from the whole)
  4. to shower (to cause a very large amount of something to go to someone or some place) [+instrumental = with what]
  5. to loosen the soil around a plant and cover it with this soil to protect it [+instrumental = with what]
  6. to be sprinkled, to be showered
  7. to be shed (having broken away from something, to fall in large numbers to some ground)
  8. to deform (to lose one's original shape due to fragments sliding or falling off)
  9. (colloquial) to shed (to quickly lose all leaves or needles) [+ z (genitive) = what leaves/needles]
  10. to shower each other, to sprinkle one another [+instrumental = with what]
  11. to die en masse

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