


  1. to show (to express a specific feeling, a specific character trait or attitude towards someone or something) [+dative = to whom]
  2. used as a light verb
  3. to give access (to enable an authorized person to view or check a document) [+dative = to whom]
  4. to show (to present an object, person, or persons to someone in an attempt to establish that the asked person recognizes them for a court hearing or investigation) [+dative = to whom]
  5. (obsolete) to show (to make someone see)
  6. to show (to be a sign or mark of something)
  7. to turn out (to become obvious or known) [+instrumental = to be whom/what]
  8. (obsolete) to pretend to be (to take on a roll, to try and make someone think one is someone who they are not)
  9. (obsolete) to show (to be seen or visible)
  10. (obsolete) to show (to be felt or known)
  11. to arrive
  12. to arise (to begin to be)
  13. to happen; to be done or performed
  14. to show off
  15. to speak up (to express one's opinion)
  16. to make public; Further details are uncertain.

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