


  1. genitive singular of ofiara
  2. nominative plural of ofiara
  3. accusative plural of ofiara
  4. vocative plural of ofiara

Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. victim; casualty (one or that which is harmed, killed, injured, subjected to oppression, deceived, or otherwise adversely affected—by someone or something, especially another person or event, force, or condition)
  2. casualty (thing damaged or destroyed by something)
  3. (colloquial) buffoon (incapable or clumsy person)
  4. offering; donation (that which is given to help someone or support a noble cause)
  5. offering; sacrifice (gift given to God in return for mercy)
  6. sacrifice (destruction or surrender of anything for the sake of something else regarded as more urgent or valuable; also, the thing destroyed or surrendered for this purpose)
  7. sacrifice (act of intentionally allowing one's piece to be captured by the opponent in order to improve one's position in the game)
  8. sacrifice; Further details are uncertain.


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