


  1. fine (small)
  2. fine (consisting of especially minute particulates; made up of particularly small pieces)
  3. petite (fairly short and of slim build)
  4. little; petite (small in comparison to similar elements around)
  5. petty (dealing with something on a smaller scale)
  6. little (taking place within a small spatial range)
  7. petty (of little significance)
  8. meager, petty, mere (not worth much materially)
  9. meager, petty, mere (not owning much)
  10. small (being worth a smaller demonination)
  11. underage
  12. mere (not lastin glong)
  13. meager; mere (not many in number)

Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)


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