


genitive plural of drzewo

Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. tree (large woody plant)
  2. tree (large woody plant)
  3. tree; timber (wood as a material from a chopped tree)
  4. tree; timber (wood as a material from a chopped tree)
  5. tree; timber (wood as a material from a chopped tree)
  6. tree; timber (wood as a material from a chopped tree)
  7. tree; timber (wood as a material from a chopped tree)
  8. tree (representation of objects in a hierarchy)
  9. wood (woodwind instruments collectively)
  10. (obsolete) spear
  11. (obsolete) wood (substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree)
  12. (obsolete) idiot; fool
  13. (obsolete) tree (mass of crystals, aggregated in arborescent forms, obtained by precipitation of a metal from solution)
  14. beam of a cross
  15. beam of a cross
  16. medicine from a tree of the species Guaiacum


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Słaba   błyskawica  rozświetliła  przestrzeń   popod  listowiem  drzew .

Der schlechte Blitz beleuchtete den Raum mit einem Baumbuchstaben.

 wzeszło  nareszcie   i
 rozświeciło dżunglę,  kępy   drzew   i
  las .

Die Sonne erhob sich schließlich und der Dschungel, die Bäume und den Wald.
