


third-person singular masculine past of dać

♂️ Männlich
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. to give (to transfer one's possession or holding of (something) to (someone)) [+dative = to whom]
  2. to give, to hand, to pass (to place in someone's hand) [+dative = to whom]
  3. to give (to allow someone to have access to, i.e. information) [+dative = to whom]
  4. to give, to put on (to be the performer of)
  5. to give (to cause to exist, particularly something beneficial) [+dative = to whom]
  6. to put (to place in a particular location)
  7. (colloquial) to pay (to cover a given cost) [+ za (accusative) = (paying) for what] [+ na (accusative) = for/toward what]
  8. to give, to send, to put (to cause a given thing to go to a certain place to have something done to it)
  9. to send (to decide that a person will go to a particular location and perform the typical activity at said location)
  10. (colloquial) to sell (to put into the ownership of someone else for a cost) [+dative = to whom]
  11. to give (having the proper authority, to cause a state to affect someone) [+dative = to whom]
  12. (colloquial) to hit (to use physical force against) [+dative = whom], [+instrumental = with what], [+ po (locative)] or [+ w (accusative) = where]
  13. to give (to apply some substance on someone that will affect them) [+dative = to whom]
  14. to let, to allow [+dative = whom], [+infinitive = to do what]
  15. (colloquial) to turn (to cause something to change directions; to change directions)
  16. (colloquial) to put out; to consent to sex [+dative = for whom]
  17. (colloquial) to fall with intensity
  18. (colloquial) to let, to allow oneself (to permit a particular thing to happen to a person) [+dative = to whom/what]
  19. to be possible (to be able to be done) [+infinitive = to do what]


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Młynarz   poszedł   do   kuchni   i
  dał   dziewczynie   odpowiednie   polecenie .

Der Müller ging in die Küche und gab dem Mädchen das richtige Kommando.

Czego   ja   bym   nie   dał   rok   temu   za   możliwość  dwudziestominutowego przemówienia!

Was würde ich vor einem Jahr nicht für die Möglichkeit einer 20 -minütigen Rede halten!

" W
 sali  dał   się   słyszeć   szmer  zdumienia."

"Im Raum wurde ein Murmeln von Erstaunen zu hören."
