


Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)


  1. to break, to snap, to shatter (to smash or rupture)
  2. to break (often in legal contexts)
  3. to bend, flex or twist
  4. to fail; to go broke; to become bankrupt; to go out of business; to crash, to go bust, to go under (used in political, economic and business/financial/investment contexts)
  5. to break up
  6. (slang) to kill
  7. to crack, to break, to shatter (putting the onus on the thing cracking itself, absolving any sentient subject of responsibility)
  8. to crack, to break (e.g. crack under pressure, break after interrogation)
  9. (slang) to vomit after drinking too much alcohol


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Mientras tanto Lisa   se   entera   que  Krusty  el   payaso   ha   ido   a la   quiebra .

In der Zwischenzeit erfährt Lisa, dass Krusty, der Clown, bankrott gegangen ist.
