took on


simple past of take on

take on

  1. To acquire, bring in, or introduce.
  2. To acquire, bring in, or introduce.
  3. To begin to have or exhibit.
  4. To assume or take responsibility for.
  5. To attempt to fight, compete with, or engage with.
  6. To (attempt to) dribble round (an opposition player).
  7. (colloquial) To catch on, do well; to become popular.
  8. To grieve or be concerned (about something or someone).
  9. To enlist into military service.


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This   took on   core   notions   in   cognitive psychology   and   in particular   memory   and   attribution .

Dies nahm Kernvorstellungen in der kognitiven Psychologie und insbesondere in Erinnerung und Zuschreibung an.
